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Wednesday, May 11, 2011, 7:28 PM

Should I be angry? Would anyone else be angry if it had happened to them?

I waited for you and you treated me like a pest. Waited for you again, and you treated me like a moron. Sigh.. what to think? And now my foot is bleeding from that cursed shoe. I swear not to wear it until I absolutely must. I don't care how pretty it looks.

Brought a heavy book to school which I had no use for. Intelligent groupmates... Yeah, you betcha. Should've just said no. =.= Hais. But it's not like I'm any better. Did badly for TvProd, I think. Teacher had to stop my video multiple times during playback just to explain what was wrong with my script. I don't know if it was just cause I was first and then after that he realised it was too time-consuming or if I'm just that fucking stupid that he couldn't take it. :( This makes me very sad indeed...

I just hope when I submit my final one, it'll score well.

Thursday, May 5, 2011, 6:12 PM

I feel so chubby right now. I'm at school so I'm exposed to all the skinny girls of my school. Heck, even the plump ones look like they got nicer legs than me. I'm so jealous. :( Oh well... at least I got my LE Hissi on Neopets. Woo, neopets! :D (argh... why am i so chubby...)

Yesterday was Hissi day (May 4th). I freaked out yesterday at 3pm because that's 12am on Neopets (NST). And I thought that what The Neopets Team (TNT) does is release an enormous batch at 12am and that's all we get. Luckily, they decided to release a few at random times of the day. :D Yay! So I didn't miss it. I went home, and wanted to wait for more to be released. And today I had a class at 9, so it wouldn't be very intelligent of me if I stayed up just for those Hissis. So I went to sleep, feeling very sad because I was freaking sure I already lost my chance.

But then when I woke up today, the first thing I did after I bathed was check Neopets. I found out that the first batch was only released at 3.50pm NST, which is about 6 plus this morning. I missed the first batch but who cares! Still got plenty of chance lah. :D Then I went to class, completely excited. Teacher was going through stuff with my group when I decided to refresh the "Create a Neopet" page and TADAAA! HISSI RELEASED! Created one in haste but thankfully, I didn't screw up the name or colour. Otherwise I would've been very sad. YAY, HISSI! I did make a stupid mistake though. Under default settings, my Hissi "likes making friends". And they'll ask you, "How does your Neopet greet others?" So I thought it only befitting that the serpentine thing would be aggressive and selected "Attack if they are weaker". And it looks rly weird on his pet lookup. Lolol!

But the Hissi was totally worth the wait. :D Will never risk zapping it or doing any weird shit to it. It will be raised properly!

Saturday, April 9, 2011, 8:00 PM

Been having terrible stomach pain. It's almost unbearable... and annoying. Don't know what's wrong with me but I think I'll have to go see the doctor soon.

Everything's going wrong. Can't seem to find any energy because I just don't feel like eating anything. And when my stomach hurts, I can't tell if I'm hungry or if it's because of some kind of gastric problem. Trying to finish my drawing but I just can't find the motivation to continue. It's taking really long... already been about 3 days, I think? Can't find anything to do!! And now, school's going to start soon. One more week. I wonder who's in my class? Hopefully, everyone's nice and nobody has to go start some drama. I don't care if they're being fake nice, as long as they're nice.

Still need to clean up my room and go for some religious stuff. Sometimes I wanna just disappear and then I won't have to face all kinds of rubbish and all sorts of stupid people. I'll be lonely, maybe. But it's nothing a pet can't fix. Well, except for a fish. They're cute and kinda dumb-looking but just un-cuddle-able.

Oh God. Everytime I breathe, it hurts. Just shoot me now, please.

Thursday, March 17, 2011, 11:40 PM

I am furious with you.

But what do you care? You only think about yourself. You would say anything to avoid admitting that it was your fault. You come up with all sorts of excuses before even considering apologising. And even then, your apology means nothing. Acting like a martyr all the time. Like that fucking whiny Akon song about putting all the blame on him. Bullshit! Utter bullshit.

And till now, you still haven't asked me what I wanted you to ask. Great. Love it! <3 Totally love where I am right now!!!!!!!!

Why am I even here? What do I get? Where is my so-called support system? Where is the man who doesn't care only when it's convenient?

Thursday, February 24, 2011, 7:11 PM

Hais. Dunno la.

Thursday, February 10, 2011, 7:05 PM

The first year is almost over! I have only one project left. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Actually, all my projects have been quite fun. Except for IS project. But let's forget about that. Anyways, I heard Year 2 will be much harder. MUCH harder. Got some advice from the seniors to sleep as much as possible now because Year 2 and 3 will kill us. Or we'll kill ourselves.

Boyfriend and I were at RP and overheard a bunch of guys talking about copying another group's powerpoint slides and changing the names. I hope they were joking. I mean, do they really believe the teacher is so retarded? OH I just thought of something interesting. Boyfriend told me a classmate of this wrote 'fuck you' in the middle of his essay just to see if the teacher was checking. But the teacher missed it. LOL.

Andandand!!!! There's this girl in class (well not for long because I'll be switching classes soon) and she didn't contribute to the final project for social psychology. Her group was nice enough to not complain about it. And people believed she was sick. :/ I can't help but feel... bleh. I mean, she could have at least worked from home right? But what do I know, I'm not involved.

Can't wait to play dota. A few days ago, I realised I play too much dota because I saw some light reflection in the bus and I thought it was a Pudge's hook coming towards the bus and my first thought was "RUN!!!!!". Boyfriend and I have not celebrated our anniversary. We put it on 2nd Feb. :3 weeeeeeeeeeee. He promised to go wimme to a dessert buffet. Did I mention I really like cake!?!?

Was just checking out the options available. Everything sounds good...

Thursday, January 20, 2011, 9:39 PM

I really... don't want to come off as a b**** but my groupmates are seriously pushing my limits. I mean, what kind of retards need to be asked 5 FUCKING TIMES whether they want to meet up before replying? And then they give me all sorts of other replies to questions that were never asked. Drawing one big fat circle until finally getting to the point. "Oh the video is too short..." "Oh we're rushing for time..." "Oh we'll discuss that later..." Right, I totally understand how we're rushing for time yet we should discuss urgent matters later.

What's the point of being so reluctant to meet up and delaying and wasting my damn SMSes when they already know they can't avoid it? Don't want to meet up yet still want the work to be done when there's nothing I can do to help over the phone. ZZZZZZZZZ. And it doesn't matter that the video formats being screwed up pissed them off because I was just as irritated. And there's no need to patronise me. I would've snapped if we didn't need to continue working together. I'm not their damn dog. I'm only doing all this because I know the both of them are too incompetent and full of complaints to finish it properly. They'd just screw it over like how they did the first project. And I guess it was my fault for not being firm with my suggestions.

I try to be polite. I really do. I checked the fucking date for presentation and it's in week 15. They don't believe me, just say "Huh? It's week 14." No, you fucking morons. So to prove this, I go down to the fucking office, call up the fucking teacher and ask her when the fucking presentation is. "Yeap, week 15." I sms them that and not even a word of thanks. Wow. Good fucking luck going out to real world with those manners. Whatever.

To be honest, I dreaded doing this 2nd project with you guys. But it would be rude to leave and find another group. Plus the teacher probably wouldn't approve and then I'd be stuck with you guys and it would be a whole new level of awkward.